
For over 20 years, we have designed educational programs about well-being promotion, healthy lifestyles and prevention of high-risk behaviors for healthcare workers, educators, social workers, psychologies and physicians, and well as for anyone involved in educating or looking after others as teachers, parents, or caregivers.

All of our educational programs are developed together with our clients and tailored to their targets and project goals. In conducting our training sessions, we use active learning methods based on working in small groups, direct involvement of all participants, and leveraging their prior experience and skills.

We dedicate the utmost attention to working together with the client to determine each educational program’s goals and acquiring the tools and knowledge that can be put to concrete use in program attendees’ everyday life at the workplace and elsewhere. Upon completion, each program’s outcomes are assessed using methods appropriate to its goals.

Thanks to a longstanding network of professional associates, we can offer a full training service which in addition to teaching includes analyzing needs, developing course content, preparing print and audiovisual teaching materials, and handling all organizational and logistic aspects.

Focus areas:

  • Relational aspects: parenting, team building, caregiving …
  • Preventing high-risk behaviors among adolescents: alcohol and substance abuse, media, bullying, social withdrawal, sexuality, life skills…
  • Promoting active ageing
  • Promoting active organizations
  • Effective communication: conflict management, emotional training …
  • Teaching methods and tools (peer education, media education…)
  • Participatory methods (world cafè, nominal group, process…)

I nostri progetti di formazione


Project, supported by the CRC Foundation, aimed at building and structuring a pilot experience in some comprehensive schools in the province of Cuneo in order to increase knowledge and useful tools for implementing happiness and antifragility as skills within paths to support well-being of both students and teachers and school staff. The actions include the creation of a co-planning process aimed at teachers for the production of a kit for children and teenagers and one for adults, a testing phase of the activities and the tools developed, monitoring and evaluation of what has been achieved.


Fondazione CRC

Progetto Carambole

Training of social and health workers within the project “Carambole” on the prevention of road accidents under the effect of legal and illegal psychoactive substances among young people.

USL Toscana Nord-Ovest-SerD Piana di Lucca

Project “Saperi” – Active Strategies for Inclusion

Project for the integration of the most vulnerable people in the community, supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation as part of the “Inclusive Territories” call. At the basis of the project there is the idea that through education and cultural practices a more inclusive, welcoming and supportive territory can be built. As part of the project, the M’Ami group continue in the Municipality of Chivasso.



Diario della Salute – Training for health workers

Training intervention for social and health workers on the Health Diary program, course to promote well-being among pre-adolescents. The trainings are conducted with theoretical-participatory sessions of methodological support aimed at equipping the operators of the Veneto ULSS with all the useful tools and knowledge to be able to cascade train lower secondary school teachers on the program units.


Science of Happiness at school

Partner of the experimental project “Don’t worry, be happy” funded by the CRC Foundation with the aim of developing and promoting the Science of Happiness approach, kindness practices and non-violent communication in schools in order to spread positive mindsets from a collaborative perspective and for personal and collective well-being. The project, aimed at children, teachers and parents of primary and lower secondary schools, took shape through a series of meetings, workshops, training sessions and laboratories. An exchange between schools is planned with the involvement of the Apulian network of the Schools of Happiness.


Diario della Salute. Way to promote wellbeing among pre-adolescents in extracurricular contexts.

The project consisting in the adaptation and experimentation of the health promotion program “Diario della Salute. Pathways to promote well-being among pre-adolescents” in extracurricular contexts (recreational, educational and sports). It is a validated program based on the development of life skills.


Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo


Second phase of the CME training course for the development of skills useful for dealing with the social, organizational and personal changes of those who work in the field of prevention and health promotion. The course was placed within the PLP and specifically the PP3, PP8 with the focus of preventing work-related stress and PL12 with the focus of promoting health in critical situations.


March 2023

Change Management Training

Design and implementation of the training intervention on Change Management for the Sterilgarda company, in collaboration with Almater. The project involved carrying out an assessment, adressed to the employees, with the aim of framing their propensity for individual and organizational change. After that, we created the training course.

Almater Sterilgarda


Distance Learning on Alcohol and Gambling

Distance learning course on alcohol and gambling for teachers and parents. Video recording of two lessons and production of informative and didactic sheets.

Associazione Contorno Viola


Training Course on Hikikomori

Design and teaching of seven training workshops on the well-being of pre-adolescents adressed to primary and lower secondary school teachers in the city of Turin, in collaboration with the Child Neuropsychiatry Department of the Regina Margherita Hospital.

Fondazione per la scuola – Compagnia di San Paolo


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