Urban Health and Aging: Policy Implication of MINDMAP results

Webinar, 3 July 2020 , 3.00 pm – 5 pm
The overall aim of the EC Horizon 2020 funded MINDMAP project (http://www.mindmap-cities.eu/) is to identify the opportunities offered by the urban environment for the promotion of mental well-being and cognitive function of older individuals in Europe. The project contributes to estimate the impact of the urban environment on mental health in later life both within and between European cities, and to identify the more promising entry points for interventions and assessing the impact on equitable mental health in older age.
As part of the MINDMAP dissemination activities, we would like to invite you to join us on the webinar on MINDMAP Policy implications.
The session will be in English.

Per partecipare: https://who.webex.com/who/j.php?MTID=m7b287d9d605b915f4d43fd307e038c4b
For information about joining the meeting please contact brookesc@who.int.
For information on the Mindmap project please visit http://www.mindmap-cities.eu/ or contact beccaria@eclecticapiu.it