About Us

Since 1998, we have been working with social research, training and participatory processes as part of local, national and international projects addressing lifestyles and health promotion. Combining skills in sociology, psychology, education and the science of happiness, we offer consultancy and methodological support to public and private organizations in all phases of a project, from needs assessment to dissemination.

Our team

(Click on the image to read more)

Franca Beccaria – President

Sociologist and holder of a PhD in Alcohol Studies, she is associate professor (title of docent) in sociology at the University of Helsinki, scientific coordinator and teacher of the Università di Torino EMDAS – European Master on Drugs and Alcohol Studies – degree program. Ad-hoc URBACT validated expert for the fields of expertise: Thematic expertise “Health” and Expertise to support local authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies ( www.urbact.eu  https://urbact.eu/beccaria). She taught Sociology of Health at the Università di Torino Second School of Medicine from 2001 to 2018, and epidemiology and sociology of drug addiction in the second-level master’s degree program in Criminology and Psycho-Forensic Sciences in the 2018-19 academic year. Since 2016, she has taught courses in drug addiction from a multidisciplinary perspective at UNITELMA Sapienza. She was President of the Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol from 2011 to 2013. She has received national accreditation for associate professorships in General Sociology, subject classification code SPS/07.

Antonella Ermacora – founding partner, head of training

Graduated in Education at the University of Turin. Master in Human Resource Management. Based on an extensive expertise in designing and implementing training courses and conducting and providing methodological accompaniment of working groups in the field of health promotion, she has coordinated numerous projects for the well-being of individuals, teams and organizations at local, regional and national level. She is specialized in supporting parenting and educational figures (teachers, health workers …), management of group dynamics, techniques of active participation and peer education. In 2019 she was recognized as an expert in the Science of Happiness and Positive Organizations, becoming an active member of the national network promoting well-being in organizational contexts.

Sara Rolando – head of research

Sociologist, has worked with Eclectica since 2007 as a senior researcher. She received her doctorate from the University of Helsinki with a comparative dissertation on drinking cultures among young people. She has expertise in qualitative, comparative and web-based research methods. Her main research interests include alcohol, drugs and gambling, topics she has investigated from multiple perspectives (cultures, careers, prevention and policies), and on which she has published numerous papers in international scientific journals. In addition, she is active in designing local and European projects, as well as in conducting and assessing local health promotion and active participation projects.

Adelaide Mondo – secretarial and administrative staff

Laura Conforti – head of positive organizations

University degree in psychology with master in psychogenealogy. Journalist and expert in communication and storytelling, she achieved the certification in coaching  and as expert in Science of Happiness and Positive Organizations. She is an active member of the italian network promoting a new approach to welfare in the organizational contexts. In Eclectica she conducts consulting and training projects in companies, public administrations, schools, third sector entities, associations and she works for strengthening the life-skills with particular reference to resilience and antifragility. She also carries out training sessions in her mountain center where she applies eco-training methods.

Gaia Cuomo – junior researcher

Junior researcher, graduated in Sociology from the University of Turin. She has worked in the education and training of young people and adults. Her main interests include lifestyles and participatory processes as a tool for both needs assessment and empowerment. In Eclectica she supports consultancy and training activities, as well as research projects as junior researcher.

Paola Chesi – researcher, project manager and consultant


University degree in Natural Sciences, she coordinates and manages research and training projects applied to the sociohealth field at local and European levels, focusing on health promotion, social inclusion, quality of care pathways, organizational well-being.

Miriam Tumbarello – administrative assistant


Fabrizia Giacometti – psychologist

Psychologist, clinical sexologist and specialist in cognitive psychotherapy of childhood and adolescence at the M.In.D – Mastery Interaction Development Institute -, she carries out clinical activities with adults, adolescents and children. Since 2019 she is a COS-P (Circle of Security Parenting) facilitator and works in the field of parenting support for the prevention of child psychopathology and the promotion of a secure parent-child relationship. She collaborates as a trainer and consultant for the planning and implementation of prevention and social empowerment interventions.

Barbara Costamagna – psychologist and psychotherapist

Psychologist and psychotherapist, certified as EMDR therapist for the treatment of traumatic experiences and the development of personal and group resources. It carries out training activities for well-being and communication and group training for health promotion for companies, sports clubs and schools. She applies the Peak Performance technique for the development and resolution of performance-related problems, reducing performance blocks and performance anxiety. In 2019 she obtained the recognition of expert in the Science of Happiness and Positive Organizations.

Protima Agostini – pedagogical consultant

Graduated in Educational Sciences at the University of Turin. Post-university training in pedagogical consultancy, counselling, educational psychology and didactics of Specific Learning Disorder. Supervisor and pedagogical coordinator in nursery schools, trainer in the psycho-pedagogical field, she collaborates with the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin in research and contract teaching activities. Expert in pedagogical planning, she has coordinated and participated in various projects aimed at accompanying and supporting parenting also with migrant families. Specialized in support for parents and educational figures (teachers, early childhood educators).

Federica Serra – clinical psychologyst

Clinical psychologist, sexual consultant and specialist in cognitive-constructivist psychotherapy at the Crocetta Clinical Center. She has gained experience in working with minors and their families, and currently focuses mainly on young adults and adults (and couples or sexual disputes). In particular, it pursues specialized training in the sectors relating to the world of LGBTQIAK+ and non-monogamy, neurodivergence and the management of the needs of cancer patients and caregivers. With Eclectica she participates in projects dedicated to supporting parenting, covering the role of facilitator.

Valentina Giardina – pedagogist

Pedagogist with a degree in Pedagogical Sciences, specialized in accompanying and supporting for parenting. Her training focused on learning disabilities, ADHD and ODD. SLD coordinator, she deals with documentation, supervision, pedagogical planning and workshops aimed at parents. She collaborates on projects aimed at supporting parenting and contrasting educational poverty. She carries out consultancy and training activities for teachers, families, parents and adolescents, adopting an approach oriented towards well-being and the development of individual skills in the work and personal fields.

Giovanni Trivisonni

Graduated in Engineering and specialized in Corporate Management at the St. Gallen Institute in Zurich, in Strategic Hiring and People Management at I.M.A. Paris. Specialized in Business Life and Sport Coaching at the NLP school in Milan, he completed the training program with a Masters in Neurolinguistic Programming and Coaching. He deals with Training and Consulting for Middle and Corporate Management.


Giulia Arrighetti, graduated in medical anthropology and specialized in occupational medicine and political ecology. She is attending an internship in Ecletica, focusing on the collection and analysis of qualitative data.   

Mariella Calvelli, market researcher and market consulant with expertise in statistical data processing.

Cesare Crova, expert in graphics, communication and web design. For years he has been collaborating with Eclectica for the creation of logos, coordinated images and project blogs. He also created the Eclectica website. www.cesarecrova.it

Giusy Famiglietti, psychologist, has worked with Eclectica since 2007. She is active in setting up and leading peer educator groups, and in local and national projects for training social assistance and healthcare personnel in issues associated with peer education, high-risk behaviors among adolescents and parenting

Valentina Fida, professional educator, has been engaged for many years in peer education and active citizenship projects designed to prevent high-risk behaviors and promote healthy lifestyles among adolescents and young adults.

Andrea Marella, engineer, is in charge of Trafficlab – Traffico e Soluzioni ITS (Alba, CN). He plans and designs transport systems and develops new technology for traffic control and management.

Cecilia Nessi, PhD, post-doc researcher at Piemonte Orientale University. She works on identities, vulnerabilities and kinship from a queer perspective.

Enrico Petrilli, holds a PhD in sociology. He currently has a post-doctoral fellowship at the Università Bicocca in Milano. Since 2009, he has worked with Eclectica as a researcher dealing with issues associated with alcohol and drug consumption.

Albertina Pretto, sociologist, PhD in Psychology of Organizations, National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Sociology. Expert in qualitative research methods, organizational contexts, processes of inclusion and values. She trained as a Mental Coach at the Bocconi University of Milan and at Mental Training Italy. She works as a life and business coach, trainer and consultant in companies and organizations.

Monica Piccoli, psychologist and psychotherapist. She works in the clinical and corporate fields, dealing with individual and group development paths. Since 2004 she has been collaborating with Eclectica  in the planning and implementation of training interventions on the topics of prevention and the promotion of well-being.

Our networks

University of Torino (IT), Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società https://www.didattica-cps.unito.it/do/home.pl

Università di Torino, Dipartimento di psicologia https://www.dippsicologia.unito.it/do/home.pl

CEAG (University of Helsinki Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance), centro di ricerca sulle dipendenze dell’Università di Helsinki, Finlandia https://blogs.helsinki.fi/hu-ceacg/

The University of Maastricht, Department of Health Education & Promotion https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/education/master/master-health-education-and-promotion

Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University (DK) https://psy.au.dk/en/research/research-centres-and-units/centre-for-alcohol-and-drug-research/

Middlesex University, DARC Drug & Alcol Research Centre, London http://drugandalcoholresearchcentre.org

EMDAS European Master in Drugs and Alcohol Studies http://emdas-to.it/en/

Kettil Bruun Society, for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol. https://www.kettilbruun.org/

Our values

We are committed to promoting the quality of life – at the workplace as elsewhere – and to building human capital,   basing our day-to-day work on fair commercial practices.

Our code of conduct is founded in the principle of social responsibility towards all our stakeholders – our clients, our suppliers, our associates – as we are convinced that relational well-being is essential for successful outcomes.

Rigor, passion, flexibility and an international outlook: these are the qualities that make Eclectica what it is.