Positive Organizations

The contemporary world poses increasingly complex challenges for organizations of all kinds, be they companies, cooperatives, trade associations, public institutes, schools or hospitals. Many successful experiences and scientific studies have shown that coping with crises and changes often calls for a profoundly different ontological perspective, which looks at organizations no longer as closed systems governed by traditional logics, but as evolving “bodies” that can adapt their needs, combining them with those of individuals and society. The new paradigm of Positive Organizations, inspired by the Science of Happiness, has proven effective in giving companies a future by generating positive impacts in a broader perspective. There is a solid literature, supported by data, evidence and field studies, which shows that this type of organization performs above expectations in all spheres:


ORGs+ are a cultural model that can make workplaces better and more antifragile over time, generating value and benefits for individuals and the system alike.

What sets us apart?

We have a broad view that looks to the future. Broad because we deal with the most diverse range of issues concerning organizational dynamics, the relationship between individuals and work and the skills that can increase well-being and, as a result, efficiency and productivity. We are future-oriented because, as a research and training institute, we work closely with groups and scholars engaged in the most up-to-date, innovative and visionary studies in the Positive Organizational Sciences.

Our approach

We like dealing with people directly, face to face, through action learning, experimentation, exchanges and participatory training. In this period, when in-person work is not always possible, we have adapted our methods to group videoconference sessions, where instructors alternate to ensure a variety of voices and approaches, with a mix of classroom lessons and practical—albeit virtual—exercises.

Our team

We are a multidisciplinary team with extensive professional skills in  personal and organizational development. We were among the first in Italy to have been trained and certified as experts in Positive Organization Science, and we have a passion for keeping abreast of the ever-changing scientific and methodological scenario.

I nostri progetti di organizzazioni positive


Project, supported by the CRC Foundation, aimed at building and structuring a pilot experience in some comprehensive schools in the province of Cuneo in order to increase knowledge and useful tools for implementing happiness and antifragility as skills within paths to support well-being of both students and teachers and school staff. The actions include the creation of a co-planning process aimed at teachers for the production of a kit for children and teenagers and one for adults, a testing phase of the activities and the tools developed, monitoring and evaluation of what has been achieved.


Fondazione CRC

ORG+ with Coop. Crisalide

ORG+ path which includes sessions and workshops aimed at supporting the Board of Directors in bringing actions of change and improvement of organizational well-being within the working groups. The work aims to promote the antifragility of the system, to improve the management of time and energy, to establish new practices and procedures capable of stimulating the “positive chemistry” of individuals and teams, to strengthen the eco-systemic perspective of the cooperative.



ANAPACA: increase the engagement and the motivation of the volunteers.

Methodological support for the voluntary of the association ANAPACA, founded in 1980 with the aim of providing friendly and free assistance to cancer patients, with a supporting role also for care-givers.

Main aims:

  • ensure the coherence of the association’s values ​​both internally and externally
  • stimulate the motivation of the volunteers
  • better structure roles, functions, responsibilities and delegation capabilities
  • build a vision of the future of the association
  • strengthen skills useful for designing effective communication intervention to promote greater involvement and encourage participation in the association’s activities
  • acquire methodological tools to transfer skills to the figures.

Utravel climate analysis and Org+ training

Assessment inspired by the Positive Organizations model with the aim of obtaining a snapshot of the company climate and collecting the shared experiences of workers regarding some organizational dimensions. After the climate analysis, the action includes a training course conducted with participatory methods on Org+ skills.


Utravel s.r.l.

ORG+ project: Capacity Building and Methodological Support for co-programming

Support and training course with Società Solidale ETS, managing body of the CSV of Cuneo, aimed at:

increase the level of sharing of values ​​and vision of the members and the cohesion of the various bodies with a view to Positive Organization;

increase the internal cohesion of the Società Solidale ETS staff and their proactive and innovative capacity in programming;

strengthen exchanges and links between staff and governance;

increase the cohesion and capacity for action of local councils.

The project was divided into various actions: climate and needs analysis, staff training, workshops dedicated to local consultations and capacity building which involved the complementary skills developed by the Eclectica+ team on the front of social research, accompaniment of complex processes and Positive Organizations.

Attivamente anziani (Actively Elderly)

Project, promoted by the Municipality of Cuneo, to promote active aging and the well-being of the elderly population with the aim of improving the quality of life of a substantial part of the citizens and reducing the risk of developing factors linked to a worsening of life of individuals and consequent increase in social costs for the community. The action involves the definition of monitoring and evaluation tools and the return of data in a report.


Comune di Cuneo

To the Org+ (2nd phase)

Support and training from a Positive Organization perspective to promote communication, positive relationships and effective leadership of the social cooperative’s board. We have carried out sessions to facilitate the design process aimed at promoting work by objectives and the promotion of well-being with a specific focus on the management team.

Cooperativa Terra Mia


Safety and Health of Competent Doctors

Training of social-health operators and competent doctors in order to deal with well-being at work and prevent risky behaviour. The goal is to start a shared and participatory planning to implement actions in work contexts that combine health promotion and the org+ approach.

ULSS Euganea 6 – Veneto


Team Building Lavazza

Residential training with the aim of taking part in an innovative team building and fostering well-being of people with a view to cultural welfare and positive organizations, aimed at some teams members of the Turin company. We conceived the project and took care of the entire training management including active learning sessions, edutaintment, outdoor training, experiential coaching and weaving and sand art workshops.



Secret for Happiness

Event dedicated to the science of happiness held during the final day of the project “Greatness of the little ones”, to stimulate resilience and anti-fragility for those involved in education to various 44 levels. We conducted the plenary phase on the theoretical principles of the Science of Happiness and the workshops and workshops with stands dedicated to “thematic training stations for happiness”.

Cooperativa Insieme a voi


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